The 3Cs of Content Marketing And Why Are They Important?

If you wish to grow your business with the help of Social media, you must know the importance of the three Cs of Content Marketing as it plays a vital role in advertising and brand building as the reach of Social media platforms has grown exponentially over the past couple of years.

The importance of content marketing has increased over the years as people’s hunger to find good content on social media is never-ending. While it is a way for people to stay connected with their friends and family, it has also allowed business owners to strategically build a network and target their specific niche. To make the most of your content marketing activities, it is essential to note the three C’s of content: consistency, community, and commerce.


The first C to implement in your content marketing efforts is consistency. Of course, the quality of your content matters, but the money is in having social media is value, and that is created by creating and sharing valuable content regularly. There are many ways to create content: Writing blog posts or ebooks, producing podcasts, short videos, and more.

There is no use of social media if it doesn’t drive traffic to your company’s website and you have nothing new to offer them. Posting fresh content on a regular basis will make people come back for more. Blogging is a superb way to maintain a regular flow of decent content. Set up a calendar specifically for your blogs and Social media posts to help manage your schedule.


The next C of Content Marketing is community. Social media is only thriving because of the people who signed up for it.


While building your community, you need to put aside your marketing mindset and be real with people. Relatability is the only way to connect. Your followers want to engage with the person behind the content you share on different platforms. You can’t be one of those people on Twitter or Facebook who constantly blast out links of blogs without offering any human interaction. It’s essential to be responsive, create a two-way dialogue with your connections, and foster social experiences.


Quality of your content and building a network is the only way to succeed on social media. The more engaged you are on Social media, the better your chances are at building a powerful brand. Some ideas of building community with others include:

  • Posting content on forums, commenting on blogs and social media or connecting with new prospects on your social media footprint.
  • Connecting with your LinkedIn contacts on other social media networks like Facebook and Twitter, too.
  • Guest blogging on other web pages or offering opportunities for bloggers to write for you.
  • The world is your playground! So, chat with as many people as you can and build your community.


The trickiest C and the last piece of the puzzle among three Cs of content marketing is commerce. In a nutshell, people make deals in business with people they know and trust. When you face a person, it takes three interactions with them before you can make an actual impact, which allows cultivating a sale. On the internet, the number reaches seven, building a relationship that will result in commerce. The ultimate goal of content marketing is to generate web traffic, get qualified leads, and make sales. What makes social media so endeering is the fact that it is “social” and pretty laid back. This is why empathetic and fun content works there.


You must be careful about seeming to be too promotional, as no one wants that on these platforms. In order to succeed, you need to warm up your prospective clients by attracting them with high-quality content and then engaging with them in an interaction.


Ask for feedback and answer questions. Once you gain their trust and respect, you can approach them about your products or services, but don’t forget to talk about your business regarding the solutions you provide. Tell them about the results clients have received from working with you and your services.


These are the three Cs of content marketing that can turn turntables for your business exceptionally. What do you think about them? Tell us in the comments below or drop in some tips on Content and Social media marketing, if you have any.

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